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Historian, Ângela Sofia Benoliel Coutinho

Angela Sofia Benoliel CoutinhoÂngela Sofia Benoliel Coutinho received her doctorate in Contemporary African History from the University of Paris, Sorbonne in 2005. She has lectured in the Portuguese Department at the University of Paris in Nanterre and has taught a variety of classes in African history in Mindelo, Cabo Verde. Ângela received a post-doctoral scholarship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and has conducted research at several other institutions in Portugal. Since 2007, she has had numerous articles published in proceedings from international conferences as well as chapters in books and has participated in many international symposia in Portugal and Cape Verde. Currently she is under contract to the Cape Verde Jewish Heritage Project Inc. to conduct archival research in Portugal, London, Morocco, Gibraltar and Cape Verde on the Moroccan and Gibraltarian Jews who immigrated to Cape Verde in the 19th century. Her work will result in articles and culminate in a book on the Jews of Cape Verde. Ângela is a direct descendant of the well-known couple, Abraham Benoliel and Esther Benathar, both of Rabat, Morocco, who immigrated to Cape Verde in the mid-19th century.